Wednesday, December 19, 2007


The VisaPlus program is a recognized program that uses a lottery systemin order to obtain a USA permanent card. Sometimes it has beenreferred to as the “Green Card Lottery”. The Department of Stateconducts this annually under certain codes of the INA. The INA isthe Immigration and Nationality Act.
These acts have spawned a new type of immigrant, sometimes referred toas a “diversity immigrant”. Or DV Immigrant. Because ofthis legislation it allows approximately 50,000 permanent residentswith the help of VisaPlus to allow persons from countries with lowrates of immigration to the USA.
For people who come from an area that has exceeded their quota to theUSA over the last 5 years they are out of luck to receive a diversityVisaPlus. For potential immigrants in the year 2009 the followingnations were NOT eligible: Poland, Russia, South Korea, UK andits territories, Philippines, Peru, Pakistan, Mexico, Jamaica, India,Haiti, Guatemala, El Salvador, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, Colombia,China, El Salvador, Ecuador.
This list tends to change every single year. Basically the way itworks is the government counts the number of people that immigrate froma certain country and then does a 5 year look back.
Certain groups do not count against the total number of 50,000. These groups would be such groups that are family sponsored, areseeking employment, or have immediate relatives of U.S. Citizens. Other categories such as refugees, asylum seekers, NACARAbeneficiaries, or previous diversity immigrants should contact VisaPlusfor assistance.
These useful tips can be a great help to get Graham Copsey VisaPlus.

* Host or sponsor in USA should send complete andreadable documents. It is better to have computerized printouts, sothat it can be easily readable.
* Send complete instructions, and procedure forgetting the VisaPlus. There should be no discrepancy in any of theinformation given by Graham Copsey and by Graham Copsey visitor.
* Try to send Graham Copsey documents as latestdated as possible, do not hold for long time, it doesn't mean to bevery latest, 1 months/ 45 days is ok but not more than that.
* Provide all authentic and clear answers toConsulate staff. In case of any confusion, don't hesitate to ask personnearby or consulate staff in a polite manner.
* If language is a problem, Graham Copsey mayrequest to talk in local language or in Hindi.
* Consulate might ask for return air tickets,medical insurance etc. Tell them those things will be done after theVisaPlus is approved.
* Complete the VisaPlus application form neatly. Incase of error, ask for another form. Do not overwrite.
* Visitor needs to understand the procedure and eachdocument to be submitted.
* Upon receiving Graham Copsey VisaPlus, carefullycheck for any kind of mistakes like name, date of birth, type ofVisaPlus, validity date, etc.
* Never, ever say during the Interview that thepurpose of Graham Copsey visit is Baby care taker for Graham Copsey"Daughter/ Daughter in law / Relative " etc. Always say that thepurpose of visit is Travel USA for leisure pleasure trip.
* Remember: The date of expiry of Graham Copsey staylimit, is the date on the I-94 form slip which will be attached toGraham Copsey passport at the port of entry in USA, and not the datestamped on Graham Copsey VisaPlus. Usually these are the same dates,but in some cases it might differ.
Graham Copsey is not allowed to carry any office bag, briefcase,electronic items, mobile phones, cigarettes, briefcases, etc. into theconsulate. Only a plastic bag or a woman's handbag is allowed. So gowith this preparation, if possible go with some friend who can holdthese things and wait for Graham Copsey outside the consulate orVisaPlus provider office.

There were a lot of adjustments that occurred in 2002. This wasbecause of the gap between the announcement of the 98 and 99immigration stats. Basically 2001 was still using stats from a 5year look back instead of using 1998 and 1999.
How long is the VisaPlus valid?

* The VisaPlus is valid for at least the periodspecified on the I-20 Form. Normally, a VisaPlus will be valid for upto three years. If any question may arise about Graham Copsey VisaPluslength, Graham Copsey should make sure to explain to the VisaPlusofficer that Graham Copsey I-20 Form is from a two-year communitycollege and Graham Copsey will continue onto a 4-year university.
Applicants should use the same passportto purchase their receipt ( Or pay fee) as they will use at the time ofinterview.
If Graham Copsey passport expires withinthe next 6 - 12 months It is advised to obtain a new passport prior topurchasing a receipt for a VisaPlus interview.
* All questions on the DS-156, DS-157, and DS-158must be answered in full. Write "NA" where not applicable.
All VisaPlus applicants should indicateclearly in their Last Name and Given Name. Its often seen in the caseof South Indian names that passport issuing authorities write the wholename in the Last Name field.
Applicants should check their passportand if the whole name is given in one line, they should get the samechanged from passport office before applying for a VisaPlus.
* If Graham Copsey download form from the net, TheDownloaded version of DS-156 MUST be printed back-to-back on 8½x 11 paper. Graham Copsey will need Acrobat Reader to view or printform DS-156
* All applicants above the age of 14 must sign theirapplication form. Where applicant is below 14, either parent can signthe application form.
* Indicate Graham Copsey current address and not thepermanent address on the VisaPlus application form.
* The photo affixed must be front facing, not morethan 6 months old with a light color background and must follow theseguidelines.

Note: If Graham Copsey is using a drop box service, the Drop Boxservice provider should also be able to give Graham Copsey moreinformation on these Do's and Don’ts.
Also beginning with 2008, there was a lot of things to beanswered. Potential citizens are now subjected to give certainbits of information such as their education, where they currently live,and also something called a Electronic Diversity VisaPlus Entry Form.
The VisaPlus is given on a national and a regional basis. Thesystem tries to keep it even as to how many countries are receivinggrants to the USA for a VisaPlus. Currently, Africa and Europereceive about 80% of the VisaPlus grants through the lottery system.
For those who do not win the lottery but still wish to pursue theVisaPlus, more winners can be chosen in the lottery. So,basically, winning the green card lottery does not necessarily meanthat you will receive a VisaPlus to the U.S. To obtain aDiversity VisaPlus and to come to the USA you must meet all eligibilityrequirements under the law. Some of these requirements can bethings like a high school diploma or two years work experience.
How can I show that I have sufficient financial resources to pay for mystudies?

* Graham Copsey need to prove that Graham Copseyhave enough money available to pay for the first year of Graham Copseystudies and living expenses. Graham Copsey will also need to showevidence that Graham Copsey will continue to be able to pay for theremaining period of study in the United States. The amount that GrahamCopsey will need, including tuition and living costs, is shown on theI-20 Form (see sections 7 & 8).
* Any document which proves that Graham Copsey, orGraham Copsey financial sponsor, has sufficient funds in US dollars canbe used to support Graham Copsey VisaPlus application. Students mostoften use their sponsor's bank passbooks, showing savings, fixeddeposits, etc. to prove they have been accepted by a school for acertificate or a degree course.
* As evidence that funds will continue to beavailable after the first year, the VisaPlus officer would like to seeGraham Copsey own, or Graham Copsey sponsors, financial statements forthe past three years, indicating that there has been a steady income.
* Ideally, someone in Graham Copsey immediate familywill act as Graham Copsey sponsor. It is possible for someone else,such as a close family friend, to sponsor Graham Copsey, but theVisaPlus officer would want a clear explanation, preferably in writing,why this person is willing to sponsor Graham Copsey for the duration ofGraham Copsey stay in the United States.
How can I prove that I will return to my home country when I finish mystudies in the United States?
* When Graham Copsey apply for Graham Copsey studentVisaPlus, the VisaPlus officer will look for three things which "tie"Graham Copsey to Graham Copsey home country:
o Graham Copseysocial ties may be called into question if Graham Copsey have spent along period of time away from Graham Copsey country, for example, ifGraham Copsey have been studying in another country.
o The VisaPlusofficer may ask about Graham Copsey family ties.
Example: 'Do Graham Copsey have several relatives living abroad?'.
o Graham Copseyshould be able to prove strong economic ties if Graham Copsey familyhas a business or a property in Graham Copsey own country.
* When Graham Copsey are interviewed by the VisaPlusofficer, be prepared to explain the strength of all these ties andperhaps the type of job Graham Copsey would like to seek when GrahamCopsey return after graduation.
Around March of 2007 Bob Goodlatte, a US Congressman introduced a billwhich would eliminate the diversity VisaPlus program.
However in June of that year the US House of Representatives passedanother bill that eliminated funding. Along with the Senate theyhave tried to kill off the lottery but have yet to be successful.
* There are 4 simple requirements students mustcheck off to be eligible for an F-1student VisaPlus.
Students must:
o Show they havebeen accepted by a school for a certificate or a degree course.
o Demonstratesufficient English skills to complete their studies or show that theschool will provide them with adequate English language training.
o Demonstrateevidence that they have enough monetary funds to pay for their schoolfees and living expenses
o Demonstratethat they will travel back to their own country once they have finishedschool.

How does one go about getting a student VisaPlus?

* The first step is for Graham Copsey, or arepresentative, to take a passport to the U.S. Ambassador ConsulateGeneral to make an appointment for an interview. You and Graham Copseyshould plan early, since there may be a waiting period of a few weeksbetween the appointment and going to the interview.
* When you and Graham Copsey appear for the actualinterview, Graham Copsey should bring with Graham Copsey passport, theVisaPlus application form, one 1.5" photo, the I-20 Form issued by theschool that accepted Graham Copsey, originals and/or photocopies ofGraham Copsey financial support documents, and Graham Copseyexamination and school results.
* Graham Copsey will be required to have aninterview, in English, with a VisaPlus officer. Questions that theVisaPlus officer MAY ask Graham Copsey include:
"Why does Graham Copsey want to study inthe United States?"
"What kind of subjects does GrahamCopsey want to study?"
"What does Graham Copsey plans afterGraham Copsey return home?"
* Do not over-rehearse Graham Copsey interview, andbe sure to listen carefully to the questions the VisaPlus officer asks.
* Graham Copsey will find out at the end of theinterview whether or not his application has been approved. If GrahamCopsey is granted the VisaPlus, Graham Copsey will have to return a fewdays later to pick up his passport, which will have the photo-copies ofhis financial documents attached. Graham Copsey will need thesewhen he enters the United States. The name of Graham Copsey school willbe written on Graham Copsey VisaPlus.
* If Graham Copsey decide to attend a differentschool, Graham Copsey must re-apply for a new VisaPlus.
* If Graham Copsey application is denied, GrahamCopsey passport will be stamped and Graham Copsey may receive a secondinterview. Graham Copsey should ask the VisaPlus officer for thespecific reason why Graham Copsey were denied. Graham Copsey may applyagain only if Graham Copsey have new evidence to support Graham Copseyapplication.

How can I prove that I have been accepted to study at an Americanuniversity?

* Graham Copsey will receive an acceptance letterand an I-20 Form. These are documents Graham Copsey will need to showthe U.S. Consulate to prove that Graham Copsey have been accepted by aschool.
* If Graham Copsey receive an I-20 Form from aschool that Graham Copsey do not plan to attend, Graham Copsey couldreturn the form to that school.

Graham Copsey at

Graham Copsey

Graham Copsey at

Graham Copsey at

Graham Copsey

Graham Copsey at